www.socratis.gr is the display and the disposal of the product site through the internet of the Greek company "SOCRATIS, Spetsaridis D. & P. GP" (Greek OE), located in Thessaloniki, Greece (Tax Reg. No.998828659, 4th Tax Office of Thessaloniki ΑΡ.ΓΕ.ΜΗ. 43573906000). Before entering and exploring the internet site www.socratis.gr, we ask you consult the following conditions and presuppositions which are especially applied for its use.
We ask you read them carefully, as the entrance and the use of our internet site automatically means their acceptance as well.
The visitor/user is asked to check out the content of the specific pages for possible changes. The continuous use of the internet site, even after whatever changes may take place, means that the visitor/user unconditionally accepts these terms.
If the visitor / user does not agree with the conditions and the presuppositions of the use of the internet site, he ought not to use its web pages/services.
"SOCRATIS" has the right to modify from time to time and without partial warning or renew the present conditions and presuppotitions of the transactions, which take place in its internet site, according to its needs and transactional standards. "SOCRATIS" has got the obligation to inform its users on any modifications or any other change through the site of the present electronic store.
It should be clarifred that the change of conditions does not contain orders that you haver already made.
"SOCRATIS" has bound itself on the completeness and validity of the information existing in its site
www.socratis.gr, regarding the existence of the essential characteristics that are described on every product that it offers as well as the accuracy of the facts regarding the provided services by the internet site of "SOCRATIS" subject to any technical or typographical errors which have not been noticed or have been unwillingly made or because of a stoppage of the operation of the site due to an act of God.
The dimensions of the products are approximately recorded and only for your information.
All prices contain VAT. All payments are paid in Euro (€) only.
"SOCRATIS" no guarantee of the availability of the products, but it guarantees the prompt informing of the final consumers about their unavailability.
"SOCRATIS" is only responsibly for deceit and full negligence, in case of a delay in the delivery of the products that have been ordered and the information that the company provides or the services that it provides through its internet site.
You have the right to return the products that you have purchased and ask for their replacement in all cases where, with full responsibility of "SOCRATIS" , you had been delivered other products or mostly different than those you had ordered , in all cases where there was a defect in the product by the manufacturer. In case of weakness of replacement we give your money back.
In all cases the product to be replaced-repaired must be accompanied by the original receipt/invoice of purchase. For all the cases, the products to be replaced OR REFUND must be in the condition that they were delivered to the customer, full and without any damages, in their original packing in excellent condition, along with all the documents which the product was accompanied by (e.g.shipping card, Receipt of Retail Sale etc).
Before each return, you must contact "SOCRATIS" via phone or e-mail within seven (7) working days from the delivery of the product.
If your electronic order has been completed but the product has not been sent yet, you can call +30 2310 835722 and a representative of ours will cancel your order. In case your order has already been invoiced and you want its cancellation, please call +30 2310 835722 and give the details of your order.
"SOCRATIS" bears no responsibility for any technicals problems that may come up in the users when they try to have access to its internet site regarding the operation or compatibility of their substructure with the use of the internet site. Also, "SOCRATIS" bears no responsibility for actions or omissions of a third person and particularly not permissible interventions of a third person in products or/and services or/and information that are provided. All the information products, material, service that are contained in the precent site or they are provided by it, including all the texts, graphs, images, java text, cookies, are provided in this valid form ("As Is") without any obligation, guarantee or presupposition of any type, either explicit or indirect. Moreover, "SOCRATIS" gives no guarantee that its internet site will operate with out any errors or that the present internet site and its server have not been infected by viruses or other harmful elements.
The whole content of site which is hung by "SOCRATIS", including images, graphs, pictures, designs, texts, provided services and products, constitute an intellectual property of "SOCRATIS" and are protected according to the respective provisions of the Greek law, the European law as well as the international conventions.
Any copy, digital entry and mechanical production, delivery, transport, downloading, alteration, creations of derivative work or misleading of the public regarding the actual server of the Content of the internet sites are forbidden. Any reproduction, republication, transloading, announcement, spreading or tranmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other reasons is allowed only with a written permission, previously given by "SOCRATIS" or any other legal assigner of the intellectual properties mentioned above.
In any case, their appearance and display on the site www.socratis.gr should not be received, under any circumstances, as a tranfer or cession of permission or right of their use.
Every time you enter the internet site of "SOCRATIS", information in automatically collected, with various technological methods, in which the installation of "cookies" is possibly included. The 'cookies" are small archives of information which are sent to your browser by the server of "SOCRATIS" when you visit its internet site. The "cookies" are installed in your hard disc, without having access to any document or archive of your computer.The information that is collected through the "cookies" and the web server dogs, usually contains the date and the time of the visit of the internet site,the webpages that you browse, the duration of your browsing through our webpages and the webpages that you visited right before and after our webpage. This anonymous information is called many times "clickstream data", is used and analysed only for the facilitation of the access, regarding the use of specific services/pages of the internet site, for statistics reasons which are useful or popular or for marketing reasons. With this procedure,"SOCRATIS" has the possibility of adjusting its webpages in such a way, so that they can suit better to your interests and preferences.
If you don't wish to receive"cookies", you can deactivate them, going back to the instructions of the web browser constructor (skimming through the webpages, Web navigator, Web navigation programme, or Net navigator) of your internet site. In that case you have to know that this action can seriously affect the quallity of the services and the data that you receiove. Consequently, you are responsible for the action mentioned above.
You can find further information about the management of the "cookies" at the electronic address www.allaboutcookies.org.
Each entry and navigation of yours is registered, also containing your IP address, based on which we can contact the Internet Server (ISP) which you use.
"SOCRATIS" has the right to end the www.socratis.gr or to modify -all or part of it- without partial warning.
The present internet site is offered and is available to you from Greece. Any difference and any complaint regarding the content and/or the services of the internet site www.socratis.gr will be settled by the courts of Thessaloniki, precluding any other jurisdiction.
The users of the webpage www.socratis.gr accept that they are not going to use this and the internet site of "SOCRATIS" for shipping, publication, sending with e-mail or transmission with any other ways. It is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, slanderours, libelous, vulgar,indecent, it constitutes a violation of the privacy, it shows animosity, or it expresses racial, national or other discriminations, it may be harmful to minors in any way, it is not supposed to be transmitted according to the legislation or the conventional or administrative relations (such as internal information, possessional and confidential information that has been obtained or revealed as a part of work relations or covered by confidential agreements), it violates any patent, commercial trademark, commercial secret, intellectuall properties or other possessional properties of third parts, it contains viruses of logistics or any other codes, archives or programs which have been designed to discontinue, cause damage, destruction or impediment of the operation of any logistics of the computer material, it violates willingly or unwillingly the valid Greek and Communal legislation and provisions, it can annoy third parts in any way and any content which is used for collection or storing of the personal data of
the users.
"SOCRATIS" recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data as well as your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures, with the most up-dated and advanced methods, so that it can secure your security to the highest degree. "SOCRATIS" DOES NOT STORE OR RECORD ANY DATA OF YOUR CREDIT CARDS.
All the information which has to do with yoor personal data and your transcactions are secure and private.
Privacy is considered to be self-evident. The same basic principles that rule classical transactions are also valid in the case of e-commerce. All the information that is transmitted by the user/member to "SOCRATIS" is confidential and "SOCRATIS" has taken all the necessary measures so that it can be used when it is necessary in the frame of the provided services. Some of the measures that have been taken are the following: Only authorised employees have access to the information of your transactions and only when this is necessary, e.g. for the processing of your requests.
"SOCRATIS" does not reveal the data of the customers and their transactions, unless it has got a written authorisation from you or this has been imposed on by a judicial verdict or a decree by other public authority.
In case "SOCRATIS" uses third parts to support its systems, it cares for the ensuring of privacy.
You can ask for any data that is in kept about you as well as its corrections in case you can substantiate the existence of an error.
For your own security, you will also have to handle all the information that is provided through the service as confidential and private and you should not proceed in any revelation of it to third parts.
During your visits in the pages of www.socratis.gr it is possible that you will be asked to reveal your personal data (first name, last name, profession, electronic mail, address of the products to be shipped etc) in orderto process your orders. The possible personal data that you state anywhere in both the pages and the services of the internet site www.socratis.gr are kept exclusively for reasons regarding your transactions with us, the communication, the improvement of the provided services and the ensuring of the operation of the respective service and it is not allowed to be used by any third part (with the exception of nothing but the authorities according to the Law).